Friday, February 15, 2013

Bellabaci Cupping Therapy for the Face

Bellabaci facial cups provide optimal stimulation for the skin and underlying tissues (dermis and subcutaneous tissue). By improving blood circulation to the skin and by gently stimulating the fibroblast cells, which produce natural collagen and elastin, your skin will reveal a healthy glow and plump those fine lines. Experience a relaxing, deep and comfortable massage while increasing circulation and exfoliation of the skin. Facial massages are a great way to remove the day's stress from your face and help restore a healthy youthful glow to your skin.
Also excellent for tender upper arms.

Benefits include:

  • Pore cleanser ; Tones skin and removes excess oil and dirt by penetrating deep below the skin's surface
  • Nourishing blood supply to the skin and increase its suppleness
  • Strengthen renewing power & its resistance to harmful conditions
  • Helps firm flab
  • Improves and soften scar tissue
  • Smoothes stretch marks and clears broken capillaries
  • Improves skin tone and texture by gently stretching the fibroblast cells, stimulates them to produce better quality and quantity of natural collagen and elastin
  • Enhance product absorption
  • Expels toxin to be removed by the lymphatic system
  • Refines the pores
  • Improves micro-circulation
  • Lift drooping muscles
  • Smoothes wrinkles and fine lines
  • Drain eye bags and double jaw
  • Loosening of adhesions
  • Strengthening the vascular integrity of the face

Migraines & Headaches

Bellabaci Cupping Therapy - A Highly Effective Treatment for Headaches and Migraines

from Bellabaci International
Medical statistics show that the most popular reason to visit a doctor is for the treatment of pain, and of all the types of pain that exist, headaches are the most common. Generally the treatment for a headache is a prescription for pain tablets. There are times when the headache is due to another potentially dangerous underlying condition and in those cases it's important to seek medical attention immediately.
As a headache sufferer you will know the burden that accompanies frequent headaches. Your quality of life is negatively affected, the pain is distressing and can be debilitating, and often a headache strikes at the most inconvenient time.
Migraines are sometimes called vascular headaches because they involve a restriction in blood flow to the brain. Stress, or some other trigger, causes muscle tension and spasm at the base of the skull, restricting the blood supply to the brain. In response, blood vessels in and around the brain dilate in order to compensate for the reduced oxygen. The pressure of these dilating arteries on cranial nerves causes the severe throbbing pain associated with migraine headaches.
Fortunately a simple, non-chemical and non-invasive treatment exists in the form of Cupping Therapy.

Cupping Therapy an as Alternative Headache TreatAnment emerging and highly effective alternative therapy treatment for migraine headaches is the Bellabaci massage, a form of massage cupping, which utilizes round silicone hand squeezed cups. The Bellabaci Cups are applied to the body surface by way of vacuum suction. By simply squeezing the pliable cup and applying to the skin, a vacuum is created once the cup is released against the skin. The local area of low pressure causes the blood to gather under the cup near the surface of the skin, creating an immediate improvement in circulation. In particular, cupping helps to reset or regulate the tension in the arteries… helping to relax overly tense arteries and tighten those that are too lax. Cupping therapy treatment on certain areas on the back can produce this regulating effect throughout the entire body.

Over the years many patients have been successfully treated with Cupping Therapy for their headaches. The treatment has proven to significantly reduce both the severity of pain and the frequency of the headaches. The types of headaches have ranged from unexplained chronic daily headaches to migraines, cluster headaches, tension headaches, sinus type headaches and headaches caused by muscular-skeletal or neck tension.
Using the Bellabaci cups at home, provides an alternative treatment, without reaching in to the medicine cabinet. Simply apply the cups to the base of the neck for 10 minutes, this allows a free flow of fresh oxygenated blood to the head, removing toxins and releasing muscular tension of the neck, which is very often the main cause of headaches. This action will leave a circular cup kiss or "bruise" which is associated with cupping.
In our body and image conscious Western society, the advent of Allopathic medicine, the introduction of suppressant pharmaceuticals and lack of understanding, people, upon observing this "bruising" after effect, shied from cupping therapy, making it unpopular and sadly, frowned upon, many mistaking the "cup kiss" as an actual bruise.
These "bruises' can be explained as follows:
  • Wherever there is dead, static blood, lymph, cellular debris or toxins present in the body, cupping can leave marks which indicate that stagnation has been moved from the deeper tissue layers to the skin surface, allowing fresh oxygenated blood to nourish the underlying area.
  • The color and pattern of the "bruising" depends on the level of stagnation in the area, and can range from a bright red to dark purple, usually lasting 3 – 7 days. If there is no stagnation present, there will be a light reddening or glow of the skin surface which disappears in a few minutes to a couple of hours. Sites where there is old trauma or injury may require multiple treatments to remove all stagnation.
  • One will find in follow up treatments that the "bruising" will not be as severe as the pathogens and toxins are systemically removed from the body.
  • Another alternative to avoiding the "bruising" is moving the cups, in the case of a headache, it might be difficult to do on one's own, but with a helping hand and the ease of use, anyone can glide the Bellabaci cup on the neck and shoulder blades.
  • In many countries – the "bruising" is a non-issue; millions of people have experienced the amazing detoxifying effects that cupping therapy or "reverse deep tissue treatments" can provide. In countries where Allopathic Medicine has over shadowed the holistic more natural approach, these surface discolorations are misinterpreted as damage rather than the result of stagnation being drawn to the surface.
  • Once people understand the cause of the "bruising" and experience the amazing healing results – their concerns disappear.
A holistic approach to treatment is necessary as this will address the underlying cause of your headaches. For example, if the headache is as a result of muscular tension, then posture correction, specific exercises, stress management and self-massage may be recommended. The cupping itself will help to ease muscle spasms and tension in the neck area. If the sinuses are blocked, then diet and environment will need to be addressed, and possibly some medication prescribed to treat an underlying infection. In this case the cupping will help to eliminate congestion. Each patient has a different cause for their headache and needs to be treated accordingly.
For those of you or your loved ones who suffer from frequent headaches and have "tried everything" I'd encourage you to try this simple technique, the treatment will provide you with that long overdue relief from your pain. In addition to cupping, dietary and lifestyle changes can often help to reduce the frequency and severity of headaches. In this regard, the following suggestions may be helpful.

Bellabaci Cupping Therapy Massage

Bellabaci Cupping Therapy Massage techniques and cups are an ideal therapeutic treatment for women or men suffering from cellulite, stretch marks, spider veins, headache, migraines, tight and sore muscles, digestive disorders, joint pain, and more.
The medical grade silicone cups create a vacuum when squeezed, and can be used in a variety of massage modailities by moving the cups over the body. When used in a massage technique, the cups will not leave the associated "bruising" or "marking" of the traditional cupping therapy methods that had previously been the primary turn off for most western women.
The effect of the Bellabaci cup procedure results in:
  • eliminating stagnation
  • intensifying metabolism and dermal respiration in the massaged segment of the body
  • creating elasticity in the skin
  • increasing the resistance to temperature and mechanical factors
  • improving muscle retracting function
It works wonders on the back, stomach and arms – actually almost all areas of the body will respond to this unique product. When used on the back or on tight, sore muscles, it helps to break up lipid pockets (knots), improve blood circulation and eliminate toxins and other waste products from your muscles. It tones your skin, assists in body contouring, stimulates your lymphatic and blood circulation, regulates the autonomic nervous system and generally relaxes and rejuvenates the body.
For your convenience there are two cups – the softer cup to be used initially or on more sensitive areas such as the arms, stomach and inner thighs and the harder cup to be used on the back or any other areas which need intensive work. People with smaller arms may find that the face cups work better on their upper arms.
During the first couple of weeks of using the Bellabaci Cup, apply a very light suction for about ten at a time to provide some drainage until your skin becomes elasticised enough. Increase suction gradually to stimulate circulation, remove stagnation and loosen adhesions.
The Bellabaci cups will help you to stay well, you will find you will reach for the cups whenever you desire to feel well. The cups are helping the body to detoxify itself, eliminate external pathogen and improve circulation. It will energize the body, while promoting a state of deep pleasure and profound relaxation.

What Causes Cellulite?

Causes of cellulite are varied but the most common cause is related to poor blood circulation,reduced venous flow,impaired lymphatic drainage and fluid retention which can trigger the transformation of subcutaneous fat cells into cellulite.
The predisposition to cellulite seems to be genetically inherited. Some people simply have more fat cells, weak veins, fragile lymphatic vessels, poor circulation or hormonal sensitivity.
The following also contribute to cellulite in one way or another:
  • Female Hormones
  • Pregnancy
  • Stress
  • Sedentary Lifestyles
  • Smoking
  • Enlarged Lymph Nodes
  • Obesity
It is important to understand that these factors may not contribute equally in different people. In some people there may be primary and contributing factors to cellulite.
Cellulite has 5 stages of development and is considered a solely cosmetic condition. Indeed, until recently, cellulite was not acknowledged in medical literature. Now, research has shown that changes over time in the body's skin structure actually lead to the transformation of fat cells into cellulite.
Blood microcirculation, venous flow, and/or lymphatic drainage to the subcutanoues layer are impaired. Reduced blood circulation starves and weakens the surrounding tissue, making it more susceptible to cellulite. Reduced venous flow translates to higher fluid retention and pooling of the blood. Reduced lymphatic drainage means that lymph fluids, which normally carry waste away from the cells, are trapped in the area. The septae connective tissue may begin to become more fibrous.
In this stage, all the changes are not visible to the naked eye. There may not be any other symptoms, with the possible exception of cuts and bruises taking longer to heal because of the impaired circulation.
Once the circulation is reduced, the capillaries and veins become weakened and leak blood into the surrounding tissue. This increases the pressure in the tissue and restricts circulation and fluid drainage even more. In this stage, you may notice thicker and more tender skin than normal, as well as discoloration or broken veins. The skin more also bruise more easily, however, there is no appearance of the lumpy cellulite bumps yet.
After a few months of lymphatic fluid build up, the fat tissues become swollen and begin to push against the outer skin, the first signs of the lumps and the "orange peel" look appear.
The static lymphatic fluid causes the fibrous septae to congeal into thicker fibers. Cells starved of oxygen and nutrients may also become incorporated into these fibers, thus adding to the thickness of the fibers. These fibers begin to trap and squeeze the fat cells, which press on the surronding tissue and reduce area circulation even more. Becuase of the lack of circulation the skin may feel cold to the touch.
Because of the high pressure, blood circulation is re-routed around the cellulite area. Septae fibers continue to grow to an extent that the fat cells are completely trapped. Although fat continues to be stored in these cells, it is not efficiently removed through exercise or diet because of the poor circulation.
In this stage, the thick fibers, trapped fat cells and stagnant fluids form a honeycomb structure called steatomes, this causes the "cheesecake" lumps and bumps that are the hallmark of cellulite.
YOU can rid yourself of cellulite permanently in the convenience of your home massaging affected areas in just 10 minutes per day.

for sellulite

How Does Bellabaci Cupping Therapy Work for Cellulite?

Cupping therapy massage with the Bellabaci Cups can be effective in reducing and eliminating cellulite because it addresses the root cause directly and not just the symptom. It activates, stimulates and rejuvenates the lymphatic system with a reverse deep tissue massage technique. This cellulite treatment process creates a flow of fresh oxygenated blood that rich in natural nutrients, causing the release and clearing of waste and toxins from the fat cells. This subsequently breaks up and removes the orange peel cellulite look and results in smooth and toned skin. Done frequently, the improved circulation removes the "sludge" leaving the fibrous tissue soft, healthy and flexible, keeping skin looking more youthful.
With the amazing, highly effective and easy to use Bellabaci cups, a daily 8 to 10 minute massage of the affected areas will reduce and eliminate cellulite over time. There is absolutely no reason for expensive treatments and creams…in fact, the absorption, application and effectiveness of cellulite creams are greatly enhanced with Bellabaci cups and most importantly, you can treat yourself in the privacy and comfort of your home with this natural cellulite removal system .